We entered into Post and went straight to Holly's Drive-In for a small town favorite. They had amazing burgers and fries (i know not the healthiest food) but it was delicious. Then we headed into town because we had time to kill and met with a nice lady at Plum Crazy who purchased some of our t-shirts and gave us some words of encouragement.
We then headed into another little shop where we were giving some cool Post, TX t-shirts for our trip. We really don't know what to say when we meet such giving people. Since this trip began we have been able to take our time with small towns that other people normally pass-by, but I have realized the great things these small towns to offer. The wonderful shops and the wonderful people. We are so humbled by how much people care.
A funny coincidence is that we have made some rivals with people we don't even know. Every place we stay, also seems to be a place that 3 other guys have passed through. What they are doing is running cross-country (a little too crazy for us). Every time we have stopped in the past 2 towns they ask us about these guys, we don't know them but some how we feel a close connection with them. They are on the same kind of journey of self discovery and adventure. They are about to finish their trip on monday and we a rooting them on. Seeing what they have done has given us a push to do more. Knowing that they are out there running, makes biking a whole lot easier! We wish those guys the best.
Nation Run
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