We leave in 10 days (May 15th) and want all of you to be involved. We will leave from the Student Life Center, at Baylor University at 10am.
We will say a few words and then we will send off balloon memorials. Each balloon will have a name attached to it, each name represents a person that has committed suicide, right before we leave we will release the balloons to the sky.
If you want to be apart of this, comment below with a name. We will be sure to attach that name to a balloon.
Like a balloon, let us never forget how precious life is.
Amanda Lee Abele Hodson
Thank you for what you are doing!!!
Maxwell Cancellieri
Thanks so much you guys are truly inspiring!
Chris Dow
Jordan Marie Nelson
Thank you so much!
Timothy M. Wagner
Thank you guys, you're in my prayers :)
Jakob Haugen-Kossmann
You should never release helium ballons into the air. Balloons cause the death for countless numbers of sea turtles and whales. Balloons cause them to suffocate or starve to death (by blocking stomach or air valves).
Kelleen, Laura, and Ryan
Thanks so much
Terry Easton
Thanks for what you are doing!!
Noah Patrick Cason
Thank you.
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