Thankfully this was another easy ride. The wind was at our backs and the day was cool. Are legs felt stronger then ever, so we blazed by the cotton and sulfur smelling oil fields of West Texas. Although the gas smell stinged our nostrils, we did get to see a beautiful sunrise.
When you fly by moments like that, you can't help but feel humbled by the beauty of what is real. The things that we take for granted. It was my favorite part of the day.
When we entered into Lubbock, our final rest stop in Texas, we can't help but feel like we are leaving home. We love Texas. We have met the greatest people. We just don't know if any of the other states can top Texas hospitality. We'll see...
After our moment of silence : ) We did a couple of interviews and even got to watch an actual news broadcast take place in the station. Alyson and Andi (film students) thought it was great, even all the other non-film students (me, Nathan, and Kyle) had fun.
Hopefully tonight we'll finally get to rest. Oh Texas how can we ever leave you!
-A proud Texan
Justin Brown
Proudly wearing my new charcoal "Alive Campaign" t-shirt. Truck on, bike warriors!
just want to let you know I am following your progress eagerly. you won't come near where I live (I live of the wrong side of washington state), but I shall certainly support you in spirit :)
I am sensing some epic farmers' tans in the making :P
this is so awesome. Good luck!
Praying for you guys every step of the way. I honestly get chills every time I read the blog because I know if you guys have touched me, you have touched many more.
Justin I don't know if you read these comments or not, but great job keeping up the blog, beautiful pictures, and I like your writing. I almost feel like I'm watching the sunset too!
btw dancinfool=Rachael : )
miss you!
I am so proud of yall! I keep a daily ck on your progress! We are praying for you and that God will bless your mission! (Derrek's mom)
Justin and Kyle -
This is your AS 100 instructor, Jen (Taylor), and I cannot tell you how wonderfully proud I am of you (the whole team but I am bias to my former students!!!) Keep trekking along and I'll be keeping track on your progress.
Lubbock to Clovis...
Get ready for the lovely smell of cows to replace the gas smell!
sounds like I will see you guys tomorrow night...
I met a woman on a bus headed for the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston on Wednesday. She was wearing a shirt that said "Never Give Up." She took time out of what was sure to be a trying, unpleasant day to tell us how to get to the parking garage where we left our car.Her husband, who was sitting beside her on the bus, was blind. He was raised in Waco, and had an absolutly awesome smile! I told her, as I tell you true to the shirt! God speed, guys.
Good luck tomorrow!
"Stung" is the past tense of sting, not "stinged".
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