After a big breakfast from Pat, the owner of the nerd paradise, we started off with Nathan as always pulling the big hills. He latter told us that he's given up expecting anything less. Poor Nathan. However he was all smiles after finally finishing his longest run so far. We're all so proud of him.
We don't know what it is about little towns but they love to have theme hotels. We're now staying in the Clown would think that an Alien Hotel 25 miles away from Area 51 would be creepy at night...and it was especially after watching Close Encounters of the Third Kindand then sleeping by yourself...but Alyson swears that this hotel is scarier.
I've never been afraid of clowns I really don't understand the paranoia, I have such joyful memories from my childhood, but I guess there is something to be said about clown pictures hanging from your bed post...
But I think there is no need to worry, I'm sure they'll have no problem sleeping, we're so tired anyway.
Its hard sometimes, being so close together, tired, irritated, and annoyed, seeing the same faces everyday. We do argue, but its safe to say that we won't be killing each other anytime soon. You have those rough days but in order to combat the struggle and strife you have to remember the good times and forgive. I'm learning a lot about how self centered I am sometimes. I find it so easy to think that I "deserve" to be right or I have been offended in some way and I must correct the wrongs against me, but I have learned that I don't "deserve" anything of the sort. I find greater strength in forgiving even when I have been wronged and even go to the point of sacrificing my wants for others desires. Its like the saying goes, "When someones asks you to go one mile you go two miles instead or when somebody asks for your tunic you give your cloak instead." Its not acting as a rug to be trampled upon but it is standing up for somebody else and showing that you sincerely care about them. It sounds crazy, but being humble takes a lot of strength and sometimes hurts, but when I see the team get closer and work together instead of being hindered by a stupid argument its well worth it. I couldn't see myself anywhere else.
See you in California
-Justin Brown
Justin, I'm so proud of you. I'm proud of all of you! God is molding and making you. You are all growing through this experience. You will come out Victorious and better people. I can't wait to hear in detail of your adventure in Faith!
I agree with Aly, Clowns are scary - I think we read too many Stephen King books!
It's great to hear how you all are growing as individuals and as a team. We are so proud of you all!
Aly's Mom
I agree with Aly, Clownphobia is real for me too. Good to see my son catching some zzzz's under the clown painting. All kidding aside you are all so inspiring!!! Kristyn graduated high school last week so now she is an official new Baylor Bear Cub! Sic'em Bears!!
Kyle's mom
Clowns give me the willies, but Justin, this blog post inspired me. Thank you for being so honest.
Karen Rinehart
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