What do you get when you get a lot of sand, a lot of sun, and a really big dam?...You get Page, Arizona. Although sand and sun doesn't sound fascinating the dam makes it a lot more fun.
After saying bye to Father Jerry, we set off through the mountains of Arizona. What a beautiful sight, yet again, you just don't get used to it.
The roads are better here. They are clean and free of debris. This allows us to travel at a much greater speed. We cruised through town making it shorter then we expected. One thing we have noticed is that there are a lot of foreign tourists in these areas and sometimes its fun having short, simple conversations with them. Nathan had a nice conversation with a Norwegian man who wanted to know what we were doing. We make a game out of deciphering where the vacationers are from. Being a Russian major, I happened to catch several Russian conversations.
We talked with a Page news reporter about our mission, it always feels good raising awareness towards the issue. Although we are sometimes tired after talking and letting loose about the story we feel accomplished in the end. After our converstation he helped us find a good place to rest for lunch.
We visited the Glen Canyon Dam and what a beautiful site. Its nice seeing water in the desert, its the desert's own little oasis. This is our oasis for the time being. We need it too. The trip has claimed its casualties so far, Kyle has pulled a muscle and should recover in a few days but as of now has taken a chance to rest it out, me and Alyson are beginning to feel the road on our knees, but its only a minor inconvenience, especially when compared to our overall goal. We hope to rest ourselves out tonight at two churches, who will be hosting us through the night.
After looking at what is coming soon, and the adventures that still await, we will continue to look at each day with its own set of challenges. I can say one thing, Andi and I can't wait to ride through the dam tomorrow morning.
Great pix! :-)
Hope the trip is still going well! We're praying for you!
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