I just wanted to say thanks to all the people that sent me Birthday messages. It really makes the day feel more momentous and special then a typical riding day.
I also want to thank Bodega Bay Church for hosting us for the night. They bought me hostess donuts for my B-day and then woke us up with a well put together breakfast. We had to make up the miles that we failed to complete the day before so we set off in the opposite direction to redue the 40 miles we missed making our 50 miles day supposed "easy" day turn into a 90 mile "hard" day.
It passed quickly, but as we drew closer to the final milage of the day things went horribly wrong....
Andi, speedracer as we like to call him, thought it was a good idea to cruise down a deathly steep hill. Unfortunately the hill was unmarked as having a sharp turn. Andi flew off, misjudging the turn, falling off the embankment barely missing the 20 foot steep cliff into a river. Andi, thankfully was ok and happened to crash with a park ranger close by. Help was on the way and he was fetched from the bottom of the brush. It could have been a lot worse, thankfully the damage done was a crack in the tire and minor scrapes and bruises. Alyson was ofcourse very motherly with patching him up and then smacking him saying "Don't you dare scare me like that again!"
After that ordeal we thought we had all the excitement for today checked off the list, but nope. We ended up with a flat tire 100 yards from the entrance to Point Arena.
There was some good that happened today even with the near catastrophe of Andi's experience. The roads are very forgiving with very little traffic and we see plenty of bikers touring the country like us. We had a lot of fun conversations with several bikers coming through. By the way the roads are absolutely breathtaking. Everyone needs to see the ocean at least once in their lifetime. As we ride along the road we just look at the vastness of the ocean and feel truly alive. The air is fresh here and the smell of the pine trees and the sound of the waves crashing along side the rocks make biking a enjoyable experience. This is the best part of the trip thus far.
ps Andi is now under a watchful eye from Alyson aka Mom.
-Justin Brown
That was so scary, please you guys
beeeeee careful! Justin you can
write picture with your words,maybe
writing will be your calling?
xxxxoooo Grandma
wow that's scary! ANDI - Kiotsukete!! Don't do that again.
Yep the ocean is pretty and everyone should see it at least once in their lifetime.... in my case i've lived by it most of my lifetime. :-P
Guys (and girl)--I am so proud of you.
Nathan--here's to meaningful conversations in the dining hall. :o)
God bless you and meet you while you ride!
Andi...DUDE...watch it, will you? Bet you had a real adrenaline rush after THAT.
haha...I can TOTALLY see Aly saying that ("Don't scare me like that again" while smacking him on the arm)! Glad ya'll are OK and can't wait to see you in August! :D
I hope ALL of you learned from Andi's lesson. I'm with grandma Billie please be careful!
Your days ahead are absolutely gorgeous on the internet. You are in the best places of your ride. The latter end will be greater than the beginning.
Love Justin's mom
im late, i didn't catch you here in SF. Im living here in SF. GOD bless you guys.
By the way could you pls guys make an article that you want to be posted in christianpost.com. thanks.
Lets all live well.
ANDI!!!!! You all stop that daredevil stuff!! You need to be in one piece when you come back through to eat steaks with me!!
Happy Birthday Justin!!
Lisa N.
ANDI!!! Bless your heart! You all need to stay in one piece so you can enjoy the steak dinner here on your way back! I'm praying for you ever day and our church is keeping up with your progress.
Happy Birthday Justin!!
Love,Pastor Lisa Abilene, Texas
Be careful, Andi.
Be very very careful.
Be careful guys!
Happy late birthday Justin!!
Hey, Andy!
Keep safe and don't worry your Mother!
Pastor Mike
Okinawa Lutheran Church
This is your mother.
Don't do stupid stuff!
I love you!
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