Yesterday was a big day, we got our van fixed, which turned out the battery wasn't properly connected...Nathan couldn't believe he didn't think of that.
We had fun chilling with Lane, our Baylor reporter, who shadowed us our entire way to Portland. He was able to find out just how much of nut-jobs we really are, maybe some of it rubbed off on him..He also was able to bike some...which after riding said "Biking is a lot harder then I thought". We also spoke to the Suicide Prevention Coalition, little did we know that they had a surprise welcoming. We were very humbled by their offerings and words of support. People like them keep us motivated.
We were also greeted by another biker, Mark, who took me and Andi on our bike tour through Portland, OR. You would think we had enough of biking but seeing the bustling city and the many avid bikers ride through the streets we felt at home on the road. Did I mention how many bikers there are in Portland. Its like nothing we TEXAS folks have ever seen. Up here in Portland the bike is just like another member on the road. Bikes rule.
We're excited to be in Portland. We have a wonderful host, Marta George, a Baylor Alumni who has offered her home and given us some great food. As the rest of the team knows I'm a health freak, you know the kind, the organic, granola, 100% fruit juice kind of person, well here in Portland I'm not the odd man out. Nathan is the opposite, he is what we like to call the "meat and potatoes" kind of guy. Its been fun trying to get him to eat his vegetables...
We're our now in the middle of a bus stop trying to get Wi-fi. Its been difficult for us to get connected. We walked all around town to find just a hint of wireless. We walk through streets, get behind hotels, we're the modern day pirates, at least that what we like to think of ourselves. We're on a mission and that mission is to steal "free" internet...that's dedication. We love all of you out there that read our blog, and we love the comments, we read them everyday, so keep them coming, and we'll be sure to make Kyle proud.
-Justin Brown
Justin, you're such a comedian. You make me laugh by the stories you tell. LOL
I can see you like the verizon commercial, "Can you hear me now" but with the laptop computer.
Oh bye the way I'm making cupcakes tonite. LOL
Love your mom
You guys are such an ispiration, i love what you are doing, you have all worked so hard and it is amazing how far you have gotten. soon you will be up here in canada, thats pretty exciting, canada rocks lol.
I have been affected by suicide and i am truly inspired. you started with a facebook group and have now reached oregon.
Blake and I booked our flight to Alaska this week -- Stay on schedule!! We can't wait to see you! Keep up the good work, team!
Nathan's sis
We here in elpaso are so proud of
y'all.I wish I had been able to do some of the things y'all are doing.
Y'all are truly living life to the
fullest. I wish I could of gone
with y'all.But I'm thinking maybe
a 66 yr.old grandma may have slowed
y'all down.So I do what I can here
at home...PRAY.
Love ya xxxxxxoooo Grandma
I'm the "Mark" that Justin was referring to in his report. I had a blast leading Justin and Andi on "the scenic tour" of Portland. I rode with them about 25 miles from Sherwood OR to Marta's house in the central part of Portland. We stopped a couple of times to take in views of the city, Mt. Hood and the "BlueBack" submarine.
What a great group of young adults the Alive Campaign team are! You all are my heros!
Keep it up and I will be riding with you in spirit!
Mark Johnson
Portland Oregon
Aly - You guys are in one my favorite parts of the country - The land of the tall trees! :-)
Kyle - Sorry to see you go, I know you will be missed. I hope that you are feeling better soon.
To the rest of the gang - Have fun with Aly's Uncle Jimmy & Aunt Eileen in Seattle!
Love you,
Aly's Mom & Dad
I'm sad to see Kyle go but I can't help but think that sometimes things don't work out the way we plan for a reason.
I was just wondering how many miles have yall bike so far?
I'm really surprised and happy that you guys thought of doing this. It's amazing to know that real people actually care enough to ride a bike for days on end just to get the message through to those of us who have a hard time listening. I have, in the past, tried a few times to rid myself of all the hate and anger I was holding in by "attempting". I finally got sufficient help and had the support of my mom throughout it all. Although my friends still don't understand why I did it, they are still there and I'm very grateful for that. Now I have a very hard job away from my family. It's not a physically hard job, but since I have to be away for about 4-6 months at a time it's still really hard on me. My past experiences have definitely prepared me for this because if I had never gotten that help I probably wouldn't have found the strength in me to endure the absence of friends and family. Kepp up the good work! You're an inspiration to us all! :)
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